Monday, December 19, 2005


So, about a week ago, I posted some thoughts on Alan Moore films that are coming out and how his work hasn’t been getting the justice it deserves. Well, posted this article about Watchmen, arguably one of the best graphic novels ever written is getting another chance to be into a film!!!

This is awesome and scary at the same time.

It is really a great story. If it is made well, it can be one of the best comic book movies to come out in awhile. It has complex characters, great backdrops, and a compelling story. It would make a great movie.

It is also scary because I know how Hollywood likes to act. They like to sacrifice good story for big dumb action. I would rather have no Watchmen movie than a bad one. I already have to live with the atrocity that is The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Well, let’s hope they make something worth watching…


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Worst Films of 2005 released its Top Ten Worst Films of 2005 this weekend. I have to say that I am pretty sad when I look at this list. Have there been that many bad movies released this year?

Call me negative, but yes; there have been that many bad films this year. Hollywood has been chomping at the bit to make cheap movies with big explosions that will fill their seats and make them a boatload of money. The problem is that there are way more bad movies coming out than good movies.

So, what can we do to get good movies back in the theaters?

We need to not go to movies for the sake of going to movies. Make sure that the movie that you are buying a ticket for is what you want to see. Business people look at numbers. The more people that go to a movie that you like, the more willing film businessmen will be willing to fund movies like that one.

So, support the movies you love and boycott the ones that look bad. Don’t buy into media hype. Just because there is controversy around a film, that does not make it good.

Let’s just cross our fingers and hope that next year’s films will be better. You can’t get any worse than this year’s.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Night of the Living Comedians

I’ve been wondering about the career of comedians lately. It seems like a lot of the good comedians start out really amazing and end up faltering later on in their careers. Then, they either fade away, or come back into their own when they are older. Can washed up comedians come back from a dead career?

Take Bill Murray for instance.

Here is a man who was an amazing comedian in his prime. He had an amazing early run with films like Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, and Stripes. But, then he faded away for a while. Every once in awhile, he would pull out a decent flick.

Then, he was in Rushmore. He was now making more intelligent comedies. He started starring in films like Lost in Translation and The Royal Tenenbaums. He had come out of obscurity and back into the mainstream light.

Now there is Jim Carrey.

He has been in slump through the late 90’s and the early 2000’s. But, with films like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, you can’t help but wonder if he is starting to come back.
He is coming out with that Fun with Dick and Jane movie. I think that is going to be a flop. I guess we’ll see what happens…


Monday, December 12, 2005

V for Vendetta

Poor Alan Moore. He can’t seem to get a break when it comes to Hollywood.

For those of you who don’t know Alan Moore is a graphic novel writer. He has done such amazing works as “Watchmen”, “The League of Extraordinary Men”, and “From Hell.” The latter two were made into films already and were quite lackluster. He is an outstanding writer, but Hollywood does not know how to recreate his intelligent style.

Well, they say the third times the charm.

V for Vendetta is another one of Moore’s graphic novel’s that is being turned into a movie. It will be released on March 17th. It shows a lot of promise: a good cast, interesting story, and stunning visuals. Let’s hope that Moore will get the recognition he deserves. Then we can see a great adaptation of “Watchmen.”


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Who really cares about Tom Cruise?

I could care less about the release of Mission Impossible III. Am I the only person who thinks this? What makes Tom Cruise so special? He has only acted like a complete tool for the last year.

I really love a lot of his older work. But, ever since he split with Nicole Kidman, he has just gone bonkers.

It doesn’t really matter anyways though. He’s going to have a huge media following with the release of the film and make a lot of money. No complaining that I do will change anything. Oh well…


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Silent Hill is being made into movie!!!

I’m kind of scared about this movie in two ways:

1) Silent Hill could end up being like every other video game movie to be released. It will suck and everybody will make fun of it. This is one of my favorite games of all time. I do not want to see it turn into another Resident Evil.

2) This could be an amazing horror film. I really want it to scare the crap out of me. The games were always scary and very moody. The game’s story could translate to film very easily. It could be the first good video game movie to ever come out.

Let’s hope that the latter happens…


Check out the teaser trailer!!!

Monday, December 05, 2005

The best SuperHero Ever!!!

I've been a big Jack Black fan for a long time now. I remember when I used to watch Mr. Show episodes on HBO and see Tenacious D do their 5 minute shows afterwards.

Now, our good friend Jack is going to be in King Kong and a new Tenacious D movie is in the works.

So, what else could Jack Black possibly be doing?

I don't know exactly what this means. It might be a new movie, it might just be a joke. But, everything that this guy does is pure comedic gold.

I'll let you guys know more about what is happening when I find more.


PS Here's the original story about this, courtesy of Ain't It Cool News.