Monday, December 19, 2005


So, about a week ago, I posted some thoughts on Alan Moore films that are coming out and how his work hasn’t been getting the justice it deserves. Well, posted this article about Watchmen, arguably one of the best graphic novels ever written is getting another chance to be into a film!!!

This is awesome and scary at the same time.

It is really a great story. If it is made well, it can be one of the best comic book movies to come out in awhile. It has complex characters, great backdrops, and a compelling story. It would make a great movie.

It is also scary because I know how Hollywood likes to act. They like to sacrifice good story for big dumb action. I would rather have no Watchmen movie than a bad one. I already have to live with the atrocity that is The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Well, let’s hope they make something worth watching…



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