Monday, December 12, 2005

V for Vendetta

Poor Alan Moore. He can’t seem to get a break when it comes to Hollywood.

For those of you who don’t know Alan Moore is a graphic novel writer. He has done such amazing works as “Watchmen”, “The League of Extraordinary Men”, and “From Hell.” The latter two were made into films already and were quite lackluster. He is an outstanding writer, but Hollywood does not know how to recreate his intelligent style.

Well, they say the third times the charm.

V for Vendetta is another one of Moore’s graphic novel’s that is being turned into a movie. It will be released on March 17th. It shows a lot of promise: a good cast, interesting story, and stunning visuals. Let’s hope that Moore will get the recognition he deserves. Then we can see a great adaptation of “Watchmen.”



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