Sunday, December 18, 2005

Worst Films of 2005 released its Top Ten Worst Films of 2005 this weekend. I have to say that I am pretty sad when I look at this list. Have there been that many bad movies released this year?

Call me negative, but yes; there have been that many bad films this year. Hollywood has been chomping at the bit to make cheap movies with big explosions that will fill their seats and make them a boatload of money. The problem is that there are way more bad movies coming out than good movies.

So, what can we do to get good movies back in the theaters?

We need to not go to movies for the sake of going to movies. Make sure that the movie that you are buying a ticket for is what you want to see. Business people look at numbers. The more people that go to a movie that you like, the more willing film businessmen will be willing to fund movies like that one.

So, support the movies you love and boycott the ones that look bad. Don’t buy into media hype. Just because there is controversy around a film, that does not make it good.

Let’s just cross our fingers and hope that next year’s films will be better. You can’t get any worse than this year’s.



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