Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Holy Crap! Mr. Miyagi died!!!

November 25, 2005 will mark a sad day in the world of martial arts film. Pat Morita, best known for his role as Mr. Miyagi in “The Karate Kid” series, passed away at the age of 73.

As a kid that grew up in the 80’s, along with “The Goonies” and “Back to the Future”, that film defined my life. It was the reason that my mom put me into Karate class when I was 7. Since that day, I have always been into martial arts.

Nobody could disagree that Mr. Miyagi was a great teacher. He was the kind of teacher that taught you to fight, but with discipline and selflessness. He always knew how to make Daniel-san be strong and humble at the same time.

My condolences go out to the Morita family. He was a good man and I am sure he is up in heaven, standing on a stump, teaching God how to do that wicked awesome crane kick.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Kong is King

The new Peter Jackson film, King Kong, just released it's trailer last week.
I'm really excited for this movie. I have loved every one of Peter Jacson's movies. Everything from Bad Taste to Lord of the Rings. He has never let me down.
I am, however, a little worried about this new film. It seems like Peter Jackson is getting a little big headed after the success of Lord of the Rings. Let's see if he can make the transition from independent film maker to big time Hollywood director. This will be the film that makes or breaks his career.
Also, do we need another remake? I know that Peter Jackson loves the source material, but couldn't he make an original story instead of adapting an already made one? We've seen him make great original films before, I would like to see him make another one.
Well, if this does well, it will make him a household name. He could make films on his name alone and not on the material. Well, let's hope this does well...